You thought I had forgotten about this blog, didn't you?
I can assure you, that many's the time I considered posting over the last month, but between recovering from jet lag after our Italy trip, packing up our apartment, taking a weekend trip to Denver, hunting for a rental home, and moving across the country, I just didn't have the time.
Okay, maybe I had a free hour here and there, but those DVR-ed episodes of Modern Family weren't going to watch themselves!
But, we're back and reporting to you live from a mile high.
How is Alice dealing with all of this change?
Well, sure, initially she was sad to hear we were leaving DC.
And maybe a little angry that she didn't have any say in the matter.
But, she had a great (AWAKE!) time on the flight over.
And she's doing her best to adjust to life in our new city.
But all this change can sure tucker a girl out.