Thursday, September 30, 2010

A Footie Pajama Kind of Day

A dreary, rainy day and a freshly bathed baby make for perfect lounging-in-pajamas-all-day conditions!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


After trying to get Alice to sleep for the last two and a half hours, during which we swaddled her, rocked her gently in the bedroom, rocked her more vigorously in the den, fed her three times, walked her around the apartment, pushed her back and forth in the stroller, took her for a slow stroll outside, played soothing music, sang lullabies, and, finally, in desperation, I actually covered her eyes with my hand in the hopes that would induce her to sleep, we gave up and just stuck her in the crib with the mobile on.  She is in there right now, kicking her legs like she's in a workout class, jabbering away at the three little mobile animals as if they're all at a networking event, and cracking herself up. She's cracking Matt and me up too, as we listen to her from the other room.  I guess sometimes a girl needs to have a little fun before she retires for the night.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Four Generations!

This past weekend, Alice was lucky enough to meet her Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Denny and to see her Grandma and Grandpa Jacobs for the first time since she was a week old.

After the proper introductions were made,

and Alice carefully studied the new faces, 

she decided that she liked her great grandparents, and we all relaxed and got down to business. 

Alice was kind enough to introduce Great Grandma Denny to her dear friend Sock Monkey. 

She explained to Grandma Jacobs some of the nuances of the Colts' offense. 

She developed an affinity for relaxing in Grandpa Jacobs' lap (if only he could come back to put her to sleep for every nap).

And, just to keep it real, she made sure that Great Grandpa Denny was familiar with the capacity of her lungs.

We adults had a great time during the visit as well, and even managed to fit in some sightseeing, a few board games, and lovely meals out in between cheek squeezing and baby gazing.

But, of course, Alice was the star of the show... 

Yoo hoo! Over here, please! Picture time, everyone!  Just look at the camera for a quick second!

Okay, you can resume admiring the baby now.

We can't wait to see everyone again at Thanksgiving!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Two Months

My, how time flies!  It seems that Alice is changing more and more quickly every day.

She is so much more aware of her surroundings now than she was just a month ago.  She follows people around the room with her eyes, reaches for interesting objects with her arms, and even successfully grabs hold of some of them.

Of course she ignores the specially-designed-just-for-babies toys dangling in front of her and goes right for my purse instead.

Since the weather had been nicer for a few weeks (until these past few scorchers), we've been spending time outdoors a lot more.  

It's not quite as easy to get her to sleep on the go in the stroller anymore, since there are so many interesting things for her to look at all around her (not just the warning label on the inside of the infant carrier, which kept her engrossed for at least five weeks).

And, as if these photos weren't enough confirmation that she is growing. . .

. . . she gained 2.1 pounds and an inch in length since her last pediatrician appointment.  She is now 25 inches long and 13.4 pounds, putting her over the 100th percentile in height (which Matt insists is not mathematically possible, but since the pediatrician herself said it, I think my pride is justified) and somewhere between the 90th and 95th percentile for weight.   

Her little personality is coming out more and more each day, and it is so much fun to see the many different facial expressions she has already mastered.

Many of them are happy.....

And some of them are not so happy....

Friday, September 17, 2010

Tummy Time

Alice is supposed to spend 15 minutes twice a day doing "tummy time" exercises in order to strengthen her neck and back muscles.  According to our pediatrician, Alice favors her right side a bit and doesn't turn towards the left as easily (that's right, she's not an ambiturner yet), which becomes very obvious during tummy time, when things usually go something like this: 

Starting off strong, with Alice practically holding her little head up on her own, though tilting to the right. 

Hello, pretty little bee. 

Still hanging in there, falling more to the right as she studies the bee.

Do you have any milk, or do you just do honey?
Teasing the bee.

Nani nani boo boo.  I hear the population of your species is dwindling. 

Getting frustrated.

Get out of my face, bee.  I'm trying to focus here.

Melting down as she realizes she's losing this battle.

This is all your fault, bee.

Reflecting on what went wrong. 

I knew I shouldn't have gotten tangled up with that bee. 

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Little Things

We just can't get enough of so many of the little joys that Alice has brought to us.

 Like squeezing her deliciously chubby thighs

Watching her take great big swaddled stretches when she wakes up

Looking into her deep blue eyes

And taking long, quiet naps together

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Our Little Oracle

If you have a spiritual dilemma, philosophical quandary, or existential uncertainty, consult wise little Alice.

Here she is with her two trusted advisors, carefully considering one confused soul's predicament before issuing her sage opinion.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Great Outdoors

After being cooped up indoors during the summer heat in July and August, Alice has been enjoying a lot of fresh air and sunshine over the past week.

We went on a lovely picnic along the river in Alexandria with my friend Marya and her adorable little boy James.

"Hey, James, can I punch your ear?"

"Oh, that was so much fun! I just loved that!"

We had a little happy hour in the yard behind our building and came very close to perfecting our self-portrait technique.

We dined al fresco at the Thai restaurant across the street and snuck in our fair share of patting, shushing, and snoozing between courses.

And, we spent an afternoon at Great Falls Park.
Alice was just brimming with anticipation when we arrived.  She wasn't even annoyed that we put her in a ridiculously over-sized hat!

Needless to say, the park was a big hit, and as you can see, Alice was simply awestruck by the natural beauty of the landscape.